It is very important that your child attends school every day.
You can only allow your child to miss school if they are too ill to attend or you have got advance permission from school. This will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Please ask at the office for a form if this is required.
Since September 2013, holidays in term time will not be authorised. Click here for more information.
Click here to read our Attendance Policy.
Celebrating Attendance
Our attendance at St. Peter's is celebrated. Each week, in Friday Assembly, the class with the best attendance is presented with a trophy that they keep for the week, as well as a picture of an ice cream to put on the display in the corridor. At the end of each year, the class with the most ice creams receives a visit from the ice cream van and they get to choose whichever ice cream they want.
Attendance 2024/25:
- 3rd - 6th September - 95.7%
- 9th - 13th September - 96.9%
Attendance 2023/24:
- 14th - 19th July - 98.5%
- 8th- 12th July - 98.5%
- 1st - 5th July - 98.8%
- 24th - 28th June - 96.8%
- 17th - 21st July - 99.2%
- 10th - 14th June - 97.1%
- 3rd - 7th June - 96.9%
- 20th - 24th May - 98.7%
- 13th - 17th May - 99.2%
- 6th - 10th May - 98.6%
- 29th April - 3rd May - 97.1%
- 22nd - 26th April - 97.9%
- 15th - 19th April - 98%
- 25th - 28th March - 97.5%
- 18th - 22nd March - 98%
- 11th-15th March - 95%
- 4th - 8th March - 95.7%
- 26th February - 1st March - 98.8%
- 19th - 23rd February - 98.4%
- 5th - 9th February - 98.5%
- 29th January - 2nd February - 97.9%
- 22nd - 26th January - 97.8%
- 15th - 19th January - 98%
- 8th - 12th January - 98.5%
- 18th - 21st December - 97.5%
- 11th - 15th December - 97.4%
- 4th - 8th December - 97.1%
- 27th November -1st December - 97.9%
- 20th - 23rd November - 98.7%
- 13th - 17th November - 98.8%
- 6th - 10th November - 97.5%
- 23rd - 27th October - 98.9%
- 16th - 20th October - 98.6%
- 9th - 13th October - 97%
- 2nd - 6th October - 97.9%
- 25th - 29th September - 98%
- 18th - 22nd September - 97.8%
- 11th - 15th September - 95.8%
- 5th - 8th September - 94.2%
Attendance Winners 2023/24
Congratulations to Class 2 and Class 5 - you are the winners!!!! Your attendance was so amazing this year that the ice cream van came to school especially for you - well done!
National School Attendance Award
We have received a National School Attendance Award to celebrate our attendance levels being in the TOP 10% of schools in England. Well done everyone and keep it up!
Attendance 2022/23:
- 17th - 21st July - 95%
- 10th - 14th July - 98.5%
- 3rd - 7th July - 97.7%
- 26th - 30th June - 97.9%
- 19th - 23rd June - 97.8%
- 12th - 17th June - 98.6%
- 5th - 9th June - 99.1%
- 22nd - 26th May - 98.1%
- 15th - 19th May - 98.5%
- 9th - 12th May - 97.8%
- 2nd - 5th May - 99.7%
- 24th - 28th April - 98.1%
- 17th - 21st April - 95.4%
- 27th - 31st March - 97.2%
- 20th - 24th March - 98.6%
- 13th - 17th March - 98.8%
- 6th - 10th March - 99.5%
- 27th February - 3rd March - 99.3%
- 20th - 24th February - 98.5%
- 6th - 10th February - 97.6%
- 30th January - 3rd February - 98%
- 23rd - 27th January - 98.7%
- 16th - 20th January - 98.2%
- 9th - 13th January - 96.2%
- 3rd - 6th January - 94.8%
- 12th - 16th December - 94.4%
- 5th - 9th December - 97.6%
- 28th November - 2nd December - 95.6%
- 21st - 25th November - 94.6%
- 14th - 18th November - 96.9%
- 7th - 11th November - 98.6%
- 31st October - 4th November - 98.6%
- 17th - 21st October - 98.5%
- 10th - 14th October - 99.6%
- 3rd - 7th October - 99.3%
- 26th - 30th September - 98.6%
- 19th - 23rd September - 98.4%
- 12th - 16th September - 96.5%
- 6th - 9th September - 91%
Attendance Winners 2021/22
Congratulations to Reception and Class 4 - you are the winners!!!! Your attendance was so amazing this year that the ice cream van came to school especially for you - well done!
Attendance 2021/22:
- 15th - 18th July - 96.5%
- 11th - 15th July - 96.1%
- 4th - 8th July - 95.6%
- 27th June - 1st July - 98.4%
- 20th - 24th June - 98.6%
- 13th - 17th June - 98.6%
- 6th - 10th June - 98%
- 23rd - 27th May - 97.2%
- 16th - 20th May - 98%
- 9th - 13th May - 97.3%
- 2nd - 6th May - 97.3%
- 25th - 29th April - 97%
- 19th - 22nd April - 95.2%
- 28th March - 1st April - 96.7%
- 21st - 25th March - 97.3%
- 14th - 18th March - 98.3%
- 7th - 11th March - 98.7%
- 28th February - 4th March - 98.1%
- 14th - 18th February - 94.5%
- 7th - 11th February - 98.7%
- 31st January - 4th February - 97.3%
- 24th - 28th January - 95.9%
- 17th - 21st January 2022 - 89.4%
- 10th - 14th January 2022 - 89.1%
- 4th - 7th January 2022 - 85.1%
- 13th - 17th December - 99.1%
- 6th - 10th December - 99.5%
- 29th November - 3rd December - 98.6%
- 22nd - 26th November - 98%
- 15th - 19th November - 98.2%
- 8th - 12th November - 99.2%
- 1st - 5th November - 99%
- 18th - 22nd October - 98.3%
- 11th - 15th October - 98.4%
- 4th - 8th October - 98.6%
- 27th September - 1st October - 99.1%
- 20th - 24th September - 97.8%
- 13th - 17th September - 99.5%
- 6th - 10th September - 97.9%
Attendance Winners
Everything was a bit different this year, so instead of ice creams for the winning Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes, we decided EVERYONE that was in school on Ice Cream Van day should have an ice cream - even the staff!
Attendance 2019/20:
- 16th - 20th March - 96%
- 9th - 13th March - 99.3%
- 2nd - 6th March - 99.4%
- 24th - 28th February - 98.9%
- 10th - 14th February - 98.6%
- 3rd - 7th February - 99.1%
- 27th - 31st January - 99.1%
- 20th - 24th January - 98.2%
- 13th - 17th January - 99.1%
- 6th - 10th January - 99.5%
- 16th - 20th December - 99.5%
- 9th - 13th December - 98.7%
- 2nd - 6th December - 99.3%
- 25th - 28th November - 98.8%
- 18th - 22nd November - 98.8%
- 11th - 15th November - 98.6%
- 4th - 8th November - 99%
- 21st - 25th October - 98.7%
- 14th - 18th October - 97.2%
- 7th - 11th October - 95.8%
- 30th September - 4th October - 98%
- 23rd - 27th September - 99.2%
- 16th 20th September - 98.5%
- 9th - 13th September - 99.2%
- 3rd - 6th September - 94.1%
Attendance 2018/19:
- 15th - 19th July - 95.7%
- 8th - 12th July - 99.3%
- 1st - 5th July - 98.8%
- 24th - 28th June - 99%
- 17th - 20th June - 99.5%
- 10th - 14th June - 99.9%
- 3rd - 7th June - 97.7%
- 20th - 24th May - 99%
- 13th - 17th May - 98.8%
- 7th - 10th May - 97.8%
- 29th April - 3rd May - 99.1%
- 23rd- 26th April - 99.1%
- 15th - 18th April - 97.4%
- 25th - 29th March - 97.9%
- 18th - 22nd March - 97.7%
- 11th - 15th March - 97.9%
- 4th - 8th March - 98%
- 25th February - 1st March - 98.1%
- 11th - 15th February - 98.4%
- 4th - 8th February - 98.1%
- 28th January - 1st February - 97.8%
- 21st - 25th January - 98%
- 14th - 18th January - 99.3%
- 7th - 11th January - 98.1%
- 17th - 21st December - 98.7%
- 10th - 14th December - 98.5%
- 3rd - 7th December - 98.7%
- 26th - 29th November - 98.8%
- 19th - 23rd November - 97.9%
- 12th - 16th November - 98.6%
- 5th - 9th November - 99.1%
- 22nd - 26th October - 98.9%
- 15th - 19th October - 99.4%
- 8th - 12th October - 99.6%
- 1st - 5th October - 99.5%
- 24th - 28th September - 99.1%
- 17th - 21st September - 99.4%
- 10th - 14th September - 96%
- 4th - 8th September - 94.8%