Cross Country - Middleton Park
Despite the freezing cold January morning, St Peter's children were keen and ready to run in the last cross country of the season! As always, they smiled their way around the hilly course and gave it their all!
KS2 Christmas Concert
The children in KS2 sang, read and danced brilliantly to put us all in the Christmas spirit. Click below to watch and enjoy!
Christmas service at Leeds Minster
The whole school walked to Leeds Minster for a very special Christmas service. It was lovely to see so many parents helping us too. A special thanks to our PCSOs who did a great job of keeping us safe as we crossed the roads. Thank you also to Canon Paula and Mrs O'Leary. Click below to watch the service.
St Peter's Choir
Our amazing choir went to Sandmoor Golf Club to sing for our lovely friends at Headingly Rotary. The Rotarians were very impressed with the talented children.
Free Football Fun
Leeds United are hosting an exciting pop-up event on the 3rd January at Trinity Academy. This event is completely free of charge and will feature a lot of fun games and challenges for the children. See the QR code on the flyer below to register.
Busy Elves!
St Peter's Elves have been very busy wrapping presents for all the children that have been good this year. Thank you so much to The Irish Centre, Yorkshire Children's Charity and Project Hope for their generous donations to our families - your support is amazing!
Cross Country - Saturday 14th December - Otley Wharf Meadows
We had a fabulous turn out at this week's cross country on a very cold but sunny day. As always the children ran brilliantly and smiled their way around the muddy course - a credit to St Peter's!
A Bundle of Joy!
The children in KS1 and Reception got us all in the Christmas spirit with their amazing performance of 'A Bundle of Joy'. The sang and signed the words to the songs beautifully and Class 2 acted the story out brilliantly! Well done everyone and have a very merry Christmas.
Video to follow soon...
It's Christmas!
The School Councillor's did a fantastic job of decorating the Christmas Tree this year!
Christmas Event at Lincoln Green
Cross Country - Cardinal Heenan High School - 9th November 2024
What an amazing morning at Cross Country this weekend - we were proud to have 26 fabulous participants who gave it their all. Every child ran with a fantastic, positive attitude and they all crossed the finish line with huge smiles on their faces - what a brilliant St Peter's team!
Fun in the Autumn Leaves!
Amazing Attendance!
Every half term, the children that have come to school every day and never been late are put in a draw to win a prize - Congratulations to this half term's winners!
International Week
This week was International Week and each class learns about another country - the culture, the food, the language and many interesting facts. On Friday, the parents all visited school bringing traditional food from their home country and all the children and families wore traditional dress. Once the parents had eaten in the hall, they were given a tour around all the classes, where the children showed off something they had learnt about their country, often a song, dance or game.
Governor Away Day
Every year we meet as a governing body for our annual away day. This is to review our work from the last academic year and plan our priorities for the coming year. Our meeting this year was very informative and inspiring, allowing governors to work together to look at their impact and share thoughts for the coming year.
New School Councillors
Following the democratic voting process, our new school councillors for the 24/25 academic year are: Alex, Norah, Lydia, Noah, Jonatas, Arsema, Elnathan ad Shalom - congratulations!
Harvest Donations
Wow! What an amazing collection of harvest food we have this year. Huge thanks to all our generous families for these donations to the local food bank.
Steel Pans
The children have made a great start to their steel pan lessons this year - thank you Mr Nesbitt for your amazing teaching!
School Council Elections
Today, children from each class in Key Stage Two, had the opportunity to vote for the boy and girl in their class who they would like to represent them on the School Council for the year ahead. We talked about the meaning of democracy. The results will be announced tomorrow.
Book Donation
We recently had a visitor from the organisation LoveReading4Kids, who have kindly donated £1000 worth of books for our school library. The school council chose the books, which reflect the diverse nature of our school. We are all very excited to share these brilliant books with everyone. Happy reading and a huge thank you to LoveReading4Kids.
KS2 Summer Concert - Mary Poppins
The children in KS2 performed Mary Poppins for their summer concert. It was AMAZING! Well done everyone. Click on the image below to watch their brilliant show.
Fun day
The children in KS1 and Early Years had a brilliant time on fun day. The sun even shone and they had great fun playing in the paddling pools. They bounced on the bouncy castle and had lots of turns on the slide. They enjoyed snacks and an ice lolly. What a lovely day!
KS1 and Reception Sports Day
The children in KS1 and Reception had a brilliant time at their sports day. They took part in lots of different activities and had great fun! It was a VERY hot day but everyone did their best and really enjoyed being out in the sunshine! Class 5 were brilliant at looking after their team and showing them what they had to do. Well done everyone and thank you Miss Higson and Class 5!
Happy birthday Winnie!
Winnie is celebrating her 4th birthday! She was very lucky to get some lovely presents.
KS2 Sports Day
Tuesday 25th June was our school sports day.
In the morning, Key Stage 2 took part in races such as sprinting, egg and spoon race, skipping race and sack race. If they finished 1st or 2nd in their sprint race, the children took part in the sprint final. After that, the teachers had an egg and spoon race and then the parents also had an egg and spoon race. The weather was hot and sunny and the children were glad of an ice lolly to cool them down, when it had all finished.
Attendance Winners!
Each half term, all the children who have 100% attendance and have never been late are put in a draw for a prize - congratulations to this half term's winners!
Faith Day - An Angel Frees Peter From Prison
As part of our Faith Day, we had a session with mixed Year Five and Six children, where we learnt of Peter's imprisonment by King Herod. We recalled how his chains fell to the floor and how he escaped to tell people that he was free again. We learnt a song with actions that tells this story and contains the key message: "When life can seem so hopeless, don't forget that God is Goodness...There is Always Hope!"
Faith Day
Year 5/6 Drama - The day that Peter’s life changed forever!
We were visited by John Mee from 'Alive and Kicking,' who worked with us to tell the story of Peter the Fisherman, who asked his people to, "Follow me, as I will make you fishers of men". We then learned some of the other key events of Peter's life.
Exciting Lunchtime
Today we introduced 'Ades' to our lunch menu, which is an Eritrean Red Lentil Stew - the children were delighted and cleaned their plates!!
Gardening Club
The year 3 children have had a great time at gardening club planting and weeding out raised beds. Well done Year 3!
SEND parents events in Leeds
Look below to find out about the support groups and activities for families with children with SEND in Leeds.
Visitors from Kirkstall St Stephen's Primary School
Today we were visited by pupils from Kirkstall St Stephens. They are applying to be a School of Sanctuary and wanted to meet with pupils from our school who had come to the UK from a different country. They had some interesting questions and spent time chatting with our children. Our pupils were able to share how they felt when they first arrived and ways in which they felt welcomed and supported. These were the questions that they explored together:
- Where were you born and how long have you been in the UK?
- How long have you been at St. Peter's?
- How did the school make you feel welcome? Did you feel welcomed in the UK?
- What did you find difficult about coming to the UK?
- What have you enjoyed about being in UK?
- Did you know English when you started school? What other languages do you speak?
- Would you be willing to share why you came to the UK?
- Have you got any suggestions for us on how we can be welcoming?
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
London Marathon
On 21st April, Mr Robertson took on the amazing challenge of running the London Marathon! He was super fast, completing the 26.2 miles in a brilliant time of 3 hours 20 minutes and 6 seconds - this is a fantastic achievement, we are very proud!
Amazing Attendance
Each half term, we celebrate our children's fabulous attendance. All the children that have had 100% attendance and never been late in that half term are put in a draw for a prize - 2 children from each class were delighted to receive their prizes!
Easter Service at Leeds Minster
We all really enjoyed our visit to Leeds Minster for our Easter service. The children sang beautifully and the readers (Isaac, Dagmawi, Olivia, Hermela and Mikias) did a great job of telling the Easter story. Thank you to all of the parents who helped us to walk to the minster and back and a massive thank you to our PCSO Chris and his colleagues who helped us to safely cross the busy roads.
Elland Road VIP Visit
Daniel and Isaac were chosen for a special VIP tour of Elland Road. They had a fantastic day and met one of the footballers.
Easter Egg Donations
Enormous thanks to Yorkshire Children's Charity for organising some local businesses to collect Easter Eggs to donate to our very lucky children.
A Huge thank you to:
- Knight Frank
- Mapp
- Savills
- Citu
- Resolver, Formerly Crisp
We have been overwhelmed by your generosity and all our children will enjoy an Easter Egg this year!
Lucky Pupils
Two of our year 6 pupils have been chosen to attend a VIP tour today at the Leeds United Stadium. Congratulations to Daniel and Isaac - we hope you have a brilliant day.
Lent Fundraising
In our final week of fundraising, Years 1 and 2 have set up their stalls in the playground. There were some lovely ideas for raising money and lots of enthusiasm!
Quick Cricket Competition
Class 6 took on the staff in a Quick Cricket Competition. They all made a kind donation to our Lent Appeal to take part. They all played brilliantly with the staff winning by a small margin. Well done everyone!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
SCOPE Coffee Morning
It was lovely to welcome so many parents to our coffee morning with SCOPE, a charity that supports families with children with additional needs. Steph and Trent from SCOPE explained how they can support children to attend mainstream activities after school. Please see Miss Parry if you need any more information.
Lent Fundraising
Our Lent Fundraising Campaign started this week with Years 5 & 6. They set up some brilliant stalls and challenges and had a really successful first day!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
A Letter from His Majesty's Chief Inspector
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
Amazing Attendance
Each half term, we celebrate our children's fabulous attendance. All the children that have had 100% attendance and never been late in that half term are put in a draw for a prize - 2 children from each class were delighted to receive their prizes!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
Rotary Recital - The Winners!
Enormous congratulations to Ebony Rae in Year 6 and Vivaan in Reception who were the overall winners - you were Fantastic!
Rotary Poetry Recital
Today was our annual Rotary Poetry Recital. All the children in school learnt a poem off by heart, often with actions too! Two Finalists from each class were chosen to perform their poems in front a panel of judges, their families and the whole school - they were amazing! Congratulations to the 14 finalists: Olivia, Vivaan, Solomon, Sapphire, Noah R, Adam, Noah G, Saron, Wengel, Eleni, Shalom, Mikias, Ebony Rae and Basilios. All these children were presented with a poetry book.
Our Key Values
Our brilliant school council has been thinking about our Key Values and what they meant to us and everyone in our school. They have made a short film with Mr Robertson. Click on the picture below to watch. Well done school council!
Junior Parkrun at Roundhay Park
On the first February morning of 2024 St.Peters' families turned out for the Junior Parkrun. It was a hard course with two very big hills. As usual our children showed great determination and perseverance. Mrs Barton made cakes and a very cool banner for all the runners and their families - thank you! And thank you to all families and Miss Hick for getting up early on a Sunday in support.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour
Jonatas and Jessie got the top score for their Bible Knowledge at their Church quiz.
Excellent Phonics Results
Please read the letter below from the Minister for Schools, congratulating St Peter's on our brilliant results in the Year 1 Phonics test. Well done everybody!
You will be aware that we had an Ofsted inspection before Christmas on 22nd and 23rd November 2023.
Three inspectors visited the school to:
- Look at teaching and meet with staff.
- Examine the curriculum and how this is developed through the school.
- Look at pupil’s work.
- Observe behaviour across the school.
- Visit before and after school clubs.
- Observe lunchtimes.
- Look at the effectiveness of safeguarding.
- Meet parents and hear their views.
- Meet subject leaders and hear about their impact.
We have now received the final report for the school, and we are all delighted to share the news that.
our school has been judged as OUTSTANDING in all areas. This is the highest judgement a school can achieve.
We are very proud of all our pupils and staff for the hard work and commitment to making our school the wonderful place it is to work and to learn. We are very grateful to all our parents for the great attitude to learning you teach your children and the amazing support you give to the school. We hope you enjoy reading the report below.
PC Bobby Bear
We had a brilliant visit today from PCSOs Chris and Gemma. They talked to us about what they do and how they help keep us safe. They also brought their colleague PC Bobby Bear who is going to work at our school. He is a good listener if anyone has any worries.
Temporary Caretaker Duties
School Song in Spanish
Here is our school song translated into Spanish- Year 5 have been learning it and they perform it in this video. You will be learning it with Mr. Robertson over the next few weeks but if you'd like to get a head start here are the lyrics to learn and sing along to:
Eres mi hermano
You are my brother,
eres mi pana
You are my friend.
Eres mi hermana
You are my sister,
el amor no acabarà.
Cualquier color
What ever colour,
de piel o pelo
Our skin or our hair,
Vamos a juntarnos
Let us live together,
Es nuestra oración
Manos arriba por justicia y paz
Lift your banners high Work for justice and for peace,
Manos arriba por amistad sin final,
Lift your banners high May our friendship never cease.
Manos arriba cantarémos en cada lugar
Lift your banners high We will sing in every land,
Manos arriba en el nombre de Jesús
Lift your banners high For in Jesus name we stand
Singing at Thackrah Court
The choir sang beautifully to our friends at Thackrah Court. They really enjoyed lots of delicious cake when they had performed!
Guess who came to see us!
Santa spent a very busy morning with our friends at Rotary collecting donations. He was told about the wonderful children at St Peter's so he came for a visit on his way back to his toy workshop. Click on the picture below to see.
Attendance Prizes
Every term we celebrate the amazing attendance of our children. All the children who have attended every day and are always on time get drawn out a hat to win a prize. This term, 3 children in each class received a prize - well done!
Christmas Dinner
The whole school enjoyed a fabulous Christmas lunch - huge thanks to the kitchen team, it was delicious!
Wonderful Donations
With huge thanks to Yorkshire Children's Charity, The Irish Centre and Project Hope, we were able to give a Christmas present to every child in school - thank you so much!
Christmas Breakfast Club
The children enjoyed a very special breakfast club this morning, with lots of treats, including pancake Santas.
Leeds Minster Christmas Service
The whole school walked to Leeds Minster for our Christmas Service. It was a lovely occasion enjoyed by all. Thank you to our parents, friends at Rotary and our PCSOs who helped us to walk safely and joined us for the service.
Road Safety Pantomime
The Road Safety Team from Leeds City Council performed a brilliant pantomime today to all the children at school. The pantomime was called 'The Gift of Life' and showed the children the importance of road safety in a fun and festive way.
Crib Service at the Minster
Singing at Rotary
The children in KS2 choir were invited to sing at Rotary Club Headingley's Christmas lunch. They performed beautifully and made us feel really proud. They spent time talking to the Rotarians and had a great time. Mrs Pinches sent us a fantastic video she has put together of this very special event. Click on the picture below. We hope you enjoy it.
Cross Country
Christmas is Coming...
The School Councillors have done a fabulous job of decorating the tree and school is starting to look very festive.
International Week
We all had a fantastic time during international week. On Friday families joined us in school to share food and spend time together. Parents made some amazing dishes and many wore their traditional clothes. They then visited each class to see which country the children had been learning about that week and pupils enjoyed sharing information, songs, dancing and their knowledge about what they had learned.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour
Steel Pan Superstars!
Mr Nesbitt comes into school every Thursday to teach steel pans to some of our Key Stage 2 children. He is so happy with the children's playing, he brought them all a special steel pan key ring, all the way from Trinidad and Tobago!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour
School Council Elections 2023-24
Today, children from each class in Key Stage Two, had the opportunity to vote for the boy and girl in their class who they would like to represent them on the School Council for the year ahead. We talked about the meaning of democracy. The results will be announced on Monday 16th October in whole school assembly with Mrs Holliday.
Class 3 led a super Harvest assembly on Wednesday. Their theme was a 'Rainbow Harvest' and the children read out Harvest poems, performed a brilliant story called 'The Rainbow People' and spoke in clear articulate voices. Well done everyone in school who contributed!
Chess Champion
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
Cross Country
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
It's Cool to be Kind
Kids Klub came and led our worship today. The children had to feed each other chocolate on giant spoons and show kindness. They had a power phrase of It's Cool to be Kind and we learned that one tiny act of kindness can make a huge difference.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour.
Fantastic Footballers!
I could not be prouder of this year’s football team. Nine boys and three girls….6 from Year Five and 6 from year Six. We played good football from the word go, with back to back victories away against Shakespeare and then a double victory against Ebor Gardens in October.
More success followed with a comfortable victory against St. Patrick’s, although on that night, our defence was like a brick wall and Horeb had one of his finest games ever in goal. Heading into the winter months, we played two games against St Augustine's…the first was in a mud bath and the second was in a monsoon! Another two wins in the bag.
We secured an injury time draw against Richmond Hill and our only defeat came a few weeks later against the same side. Our record was played ten, won eight, draws 1, defeats 1….35 out of 40 points…this made us the INNER EAST CHAMPIONS.
We met our match in the knockouts, where we lost to Westerton but in the cup we came runners up after beating St Urbans and Shire Oak before being beaten in the final against St. Joseph’s. This is a team that played with care, passion and a lot of flair. I’m so pleased that our girls have been ever presents in our side, that Henos forced his way into the team after joining our school in the autumn and that Joshua earnt a place in the side towards the end of the year.
With six of our 9-a-side team playing in Year Five, hopefully they’ll show the current Year Four children our high expectations in September and that another great season will follow! Having watched Years 3 and 4 closely during our Key Stage Two Fun Day, I know that there are a lot of talented footballers who will do our St Peter’s team proud when they pull on a blue shirt in the future.
A big thank you from all of us to Sam Leigh, who helps at all training sessions and at our matches. Without him, we wouldn’t have the success we have had down the years.
A huge well done to this year’s terrific twelve and a big well done to our captain, Goodluck and our vice captain (next year’s captain), Daniel, who set a brilliant example to everyone throughout the season.
The 'Terrific Twelve'...
Goodluck (captain) - Y6, Daniel (vice-captain) - Y5, Horeb - Y5, Habron - Y6, Lucas - Y5, Lakeisha- Y5, Cena - Y6, Phillip - Y5, Yosyas - Y5, Sophia - Y6, Henos - Y6, Joshua - Y5
Enjoy your medals!
Mr Robertson
100% Attendance and Never Late
Congratulations to all the children who have come to school every day this year and were never late.
Thank you!
We just wanted to express our sincere thanks for all of the support you have shown towards school and to Mrs Edser.
You have been extremely kind, thoughtful and generous and I know she has really enjoyed your visits and the lunch you organised for her last week.
We all miss Mrs Edser being in school but are hoping to see more of her in the next few months which will be lovely for her and the children.
We hope you have a brilliant summer and we look forward to seeing you all again in September.
Thank you again and best wishes.
Attendance Winners
The Class with the best attendance for the year in each Key Stage is rewarded with a visit from the ice cream van - congratulations to Class 2 and Class 6!
Summer Activities in the Local Area
Places for children to Eat for Free or for £1 over Summer
Events taking place at Compton Centre and Burmantofts Libraries
Have a look at the flyers below to see what is taking place in the area over summer.
Key Stage 2 Sports Day
All children in Key Stage 2 had the chance to enter two races. A sprint, then a choice of skipping race, sack race or egg and spoon race. Unfortunately, because of the rain, we were unable to run any of the finals or the parents’ race, but all children competed and had some fun.
Winners for each heat
Year 3 Sprint – Emmanuel, Lamick, Sharon, Yeabsira
Year 4 Sprint – Kandes, Mussie, Olivia, Bruk
Year 5 Sprint – Phillip, Joshua, Dagmawi, Yosyas
Year 6 Sprint – Goodluck, Lakeisha, Sophia, Clara
First 3
Year 3 Egg and Spoon – 1st Lydia, 2nd Jonatas, 3rd Naomi
Year 4 Egg and Spoon – 1st Mikias, 2nd Caleb, 3rd Natty
Year 5 Egg and Spoon – 1st Penuel, 2nd Marcus, 3rd Dagmawi
Year 6 Egg and Spoon – 1st Clara, 2nd Sophia, 3rd Holy
Year 3 Sack Race – 1st Naadirah, 2nd Kibrom, 3rd Lamick
Year 4 Sack Race – 1st Separa, 2nd Hiyabel, 3rd Soliana
Year 5 Sack Race – 1st Ebony-Rae, 2nd Horeb, 3rd Yosyas
Year 6 Sack Race – 1st Joyce, 2nd Sam, 3rd Cena
Year 3 Skipping Race – 1st Wengel, 2nd Yeabsira, 3rd Kalib/Tenbite
Year 4 Skipping Race – 1st Grace, 2nd Phares, 3rd Bruk
Year 5 Skipping Race – 1st Clecia, 2nd Melody, 3rd Tomas
Year 6 Skipping Race – 1st Lakeisha, 2nd Lilly, 3rd Sarah
Year 3 Extra Race – Sack Race – 1st Emmanuel, 2nd Heron, 3rd Nehemiah
Year 4 Extra Race – Skipping – 1st Elnathan, 2nd Hyab, 3rd Saliem
Year 5 Extra Race – Skipping – 1st Phillip, 2nd Daniel M, 3rd Sosna
Year 6 Extra Race – Egg and Spoon – 1st Naomi, 2nd Atal, 3rd Britney
Well done everyone!
KS1 and Reception Class Sports Day
Children from Reception Class, Year One and Year Two were split into 10 teams, with each team given the name of an animal.
There were 10 activities for the teams to do, with points awarded for each successful attempt at the task completed in the allotted time. The activities were egg and spoon race, sack race, tunnel, beam, bouncy hopper, bean bags into bucket, quoit balanced on head, springboard bounce and run, pass the ball and knock down the skittle.
Year 4 set up and managed the activities and led the different teams to the correct places.
1st Place – Whales – 228 Points
Ebenezer P, Yemaryiam, Abenezer, Malha, Nathael, Lidya, Wilson, Noah T & Dontae
2nd Place – Cats – 185 Points
Even, Jonathan, Isaac, Nahler, Melaher, Gelila, Rubana & Hiyab
3rd Place – Dogs – 175 Points
Amen, Sara, Musie, Jeremiah, Heavenly, Petras, Qsanet, Ariam & Amen
Well done to all the Key Stage One children and Reception Class children who competed in the different teams – you are all stars!
Keep active!
KS2 Summer Concert - Matilda
The children worked very had to learn their lines, dances and words to the songs. They were BRILLIANT. Click below to watch their amazing performance.
KS1 and Early Years Fun Day
We had a brilliant day. The sun shone for most of it and we had lots of fun in the paddling pools, bouncing on the bouncy castle and going down the slide. We did lots of lovely craft activities and had lots of fun playing and riding our scooters. The ice-creams were delicious!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Faith Day
Today is Faith Day at St Peter's. Classes 1 - 6 are each focusing on one of the 6 key World Faiths. The children are all split into mixed class groups and spending time in each class learning about a different faith and taking part in fun activities. Each Class has a lovely display of interesting objects representing their Faith.
School Council Assembly
In today's full school assembly, the School Council gave a presentation all about climate change and global warming. The reason for this is that in this year's pupil questionnaire, a number of pupils expressed concerns about our climate and the future of the planet. Consequently, these children decided to put together a presentation which shared ideas about how we can help to look after our planet Earth.
Tag Rugby
This Girl Can!
A group of Year 4 and 5 girls went to the Beckett's Park University campus to be part of the sporting event "This girl can". The children were coached by professional coaches from Leeds Rhinos and Leeds United. They thoroughly enjoyed their rugby and football sessions. They were able to develop their skills in a professional environment and work together with other schools.
Under 11s Leeds and Holbeck Cup - Runners Up
On Friday 12th May, St. Peter's U11s played St. Joseph's (Wetherby) in the Leeds and Holbeck Cup Final. The children played superbly but unfortunately came out second best against a fantastic side. It was a great experience for us all and we will learn a lot from the occasion. Player of the match: Horeb, for a string of truly wonderful saves in goal.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
SATs Breakfast Club
The Year 6 children are preparing for their SATs by having a hearty breakfast and relaxing with their friends - happy faces all round!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
King's Coronation Celebration
We had a brilliant day celebrating the King's Coronation. We started off with an assembly where Mrs Holliday explained all about the coronation. We sang a fantastic Coronation Song that Mrs Smallwood taught us. We also sang the National Anthem that we have been learning in singing lessons. We made crowns in our classes then we went outside to play some coronation themed games. We brought lots of cakes in to share with our friends and even had a picnic lunch. It was a brilliant day!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manner and behaviour!
Gardening Club
The year 3 gardening club, lead by Susie, have been working very hard this term. We are very fortunate that the School Governor, Mr Bates, has come for the next few weeks. He has brought us some lovely bedding plants, which were kindly donated by Headingley Rotary, and we had a great time planting them outside. Thank you Steve and Susie for all your help!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Cross Country Finalist
This week Lakeisha took part in the West Yorkshire School Games Cross Country Finals, racing against the fastest runners from right across the county. Out of 101 runners in Lakiesha's catgory, she managed to come in 5th place - what a fantastic achievement!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Cup Quarter Final
Yesterday St. Peter's team faced their opponents in the business end of the cup. Shire Oaks had also got to the quarter finals but were not allowed to find their rhythm from the starting whistle. St. Peter's dominated producing excellent chances and with a defence that worked together to make them unpassable. Our goalie made some incredible saves, showing an amazing commitment to his role. It was an excellent team performance with everyone playing their part with focus and determination. It is a testament to this team's ambition that after the game there were minimal celebrations and their hash tag is #jobnotyetdone. Bring on the semis. A big thank you to Mr. Robertson and Sam for their commitment and continual support of the team.
Cross Country - Woodhouse Grove 25.3.2023
The final race of the cross country season! We finally got to run our the last cross country race at the weekend. We had nine children who travelled all the way to Woodhouse Grove for the meet. The course was tough with several laps, several hills and plenty of mud. Once again our runners showed determination and perseverance, with everyone finishing the race.
Under 9 Girls: We had three girls representing us in this race, all finishing in the top 65, despite a brutal final hill.
Under 9 Boys: After a very quick start in which Lamick briefly led the race, the boys focused on the tough course and although it hurt continued until the end. Both finished in the top 80.
Under 11 girls: Unfortunately there was no-one able to represent the girls
Under 11 boys: We had three boys for this race, with newcomer Dan making his debut. This course involved two and a half laps of the hilly terrain. Two of our runners managed a top 40 finish and all positioned in the top 65.
Well done to all the runners this season, hope to see you again next year. You have all shown commitment, courage and determination. If you can, find your local Junior Parkrun - held every Sunday at 9am to keep practising your long distance running. Thank you to all the staff and parents who have helped throughout the season, we could not have done it without you.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Steel Pans
The second steel pan Group have been working hard to practice a new song - they are doing really well and Mr Nesbitt is delighted with them.
- PHONICS - Help your Child and support their Word Skills - Starting Monday 24th April 12pm - 2pm AND
- Promoting Good & Positive Behaviour - Starting Friday 21st April 9am - 11am
This week it's the turn of Reception and Key Stage 1 to set up their lent stalls at playtime, they were very busy this morning!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Another busy morning with plenty of lovely stalls from year 3 and 4 and lots of eager customers!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Pancake races
Classes 3 and 4 enjoyed their trip to Leeds Minster to take part in pancake races. They cheered each other on and the winner of each race received a crème egg. After the races they enjoyed eating pancakes with strawberry sauce or maple syrup.
Dodgeball Tournament
Six children from Class 4 were chosen to to take part in a dodgeball tournament organised by Health for All. They played 7 matches in total - won 3, drew 1 and lost 3. The children played brilliantly as a team and were really well behaved, Miss Spinks was very proud of them all.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Rotary Recital Award 2023
Congratulations to all our Finalists who performed their poems beautifully in front of a panel of judges. The finalists were:
Reception: Faith Amanuel & Nathan Biniam
Class 1: Matthias Dereje & Nathan Zerihun
Class 2: Naomi Berakate & Emily De Castro Fernandes
Class 3: Elda Zerihun & Yeabsira Tadesse
Class 4: Grace Amanuel & Separa Yohannes
Class 5: Samriddhi Mitra & Chideraa Ezeokoli-Echeme
Class 6: Akain Amarasekara & Holy Temesgen
Rotary Recital Award 2023
There were prizes for all the finalists and certificates for all the runners up - well done everybody.
Rotary Recital Award 2023
And the winners are:
Samriddhi Mitra - Class 5 & Naomi Berakate - Class 2
Keeping Safe Day 2023
On Wednesday 8th February, the children enjoyed a whole day learning about how to keep ourselves safe. In their classes, they covered a wide range of topics, including: road/car safety; trusted adults; healthy and unhealthy boundaries; keeping our bodies safe; anti bullying and online safety. The children participated in a number of different activities and learnt a lot.
Amazing Attendance
Every half term, all the children who have come to school every day and never been late, have their names put into a draw to win a prize. Our winners this half term are: Raheem, Ebony-Rae, Henos, Abigail, Belul, Noah and Even - Congratulations!
Cross Country Superstar
Lakeisha Akorley in Class 6 has been running so well at our Cross Country meetings that she was picked to represent St Peter's at the Leeds School Games Cross Country Final. This was a challenging competition against all the best runners from Leeds schools. Lakeisha did us proud, finishing in 4th place meaning she now goes on to a county wide competition, which will be in March - Congratulations Lakeisha!
Keeping safe - seatbelts
We have been thinking a lot about was to keep safe. We have been learning that we must ALWAYS wear a seatbelt if we are travelling in a car. Some children should have a booster seat or car seat to keep them especially safe too. Mrs Holliday did an assembly all about wearing seatbelts and we have given parents information sheets about wearing seatbelts and who needs a car seat or booster seat. Watch the video below to find out the rules.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Amazing Attendance Award!
We have received a National School Attendance Award to celebrate our attendance levels being in the TOP 10% of schools in England. Well done everyone and keep it up!
Class 4 Multiplication Parents Meeting
On a VERY cold January morning, lots of parents attended a meeting with Mrs Smallwood about ways of supporting the children to learn times tables - a really important skill! Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting and please see Miss Higson or Mrs Smallwood if you would like any more information.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Race Report - Cardinal Heenan LSAA Cross Country
10th December 2022
For our third race of the season at Cardinal Heenan, 16 runners turned out to represent St. Peter’s on a cold and frosty winter morning. Mrs Swailes made her debut as part of our team and everything ran very smoothly with the new regulations.
Under 9 Girls: For our girls team, 7 runners represented us. Eliana joined us for the first time. Once again the girls showed their strength and determination with every team member finishing the tough course. All positioned between 86-91
Under 9 boys: For this race there were 4 boys representing us in a fast paced heat. Everyone finished and one of our runners managed a sub 50 place. Great perseverance was shown by everyone. All positioned between 35-107. Well done.
Under 11 girls: No runners were able to make this race and they were greatly missed.
Under 11 boys: We had 5 boys running in the final race, after cheering on all the other runners. Henos debuted for us and took two buses to get there with his brother - both showing great commitment. Hyab from Year 4 bravely ran in this longer race and finished, demonstrating his strength and perseverance. Lucas was our first runner to finish and showed great composure, getting up after a finish line fall. Another all finish, positioning between 50-93. Excellent.
Well done the entire team for great strength of character, kindness and determination. Also thank you to Ms Hick and Mrs Swales for giving of their time, organisation prowess and enthusiasm.
Christmas at Breakfast Club
As a special Christmassy treat, the children enjoyed Father Christmas pancakes and other yummy treats.
Christmas Gifts
Thanks to hugely generous donations from Lineham Farm, Yorkshire Children's Charity, The Irish Centre and The People's Postcode Lottery (Magic Little Grants), we were able to give every child a lovely Christmas Present this year. The St Peter's Elves were very busy with all the wrapping! Thank you also to Project Hope for delivering 40 hampers to our families, and Zarach for providing winter warmer packages to some of our families.
Reception, Rainbow and KS1 Party
We had a brilliant afternoon playing party games, enjoying party food and we even had a visit from a very special person!
A Special Christmas Party
Our Class 3 children were really lucky to be invited to a Christmas Party organised by our friends at Yorkshire Children's Charity. They joined lots of other schools for an amazing day. Click on the picture below to watch a video of the day.
KS2 Christmas Concert 2022
WOW! What an amazing performance. Well done everyone! Click below to watch. We hope you enjoy it!
An Astronaut Visits School!
A very busy week culminated in the most exciting visitor - Tim Peake came to St Peter's to talk to the children about life in space! The children asked some amazing questions and Tim spent lots of time talking to them. He then spent some time in Class 5 who are currently learning all about space - what a fantastic day!
Christmas songs for Rotary
A group of children from KS2 went to Sandmoor Golf Club to sing to our friends from Rotary Club, Headingly. Despite a few technical hiccups, the children performed beautifully and put everyone in the Christmas spirit.
Baarmy Bethlehem!
KS1 and Reception performed Baarmy Bethlehem for our 2022 nativity. The children were AMAZING! Brilliant narration, excellent acting and beautiful singing and dancing.
Click below to watch us! We hope you enjoy it!
Nativity 2022
Reception, Class 1 and Class 2 have been busy rehearsing our Nativity play 'Baaa baaa Bethlehem' with the mischievous sheep Cheeky, Scamp and Rascal. We have really enjoyed singing, dancing and performing for the school. We hope you like our play!
Gardening Club
Some pupils in Class 3 have been taking part in an after school gardening club. They have really enjoyed weeding, planting bulbs, look at the plants and trees in our school environment and making bird feeders. We have a great time!
Merry Christmas!
The School Councillors did a fabulous job decorating the Christmas Tree.
Spanish Salsa Day
On Thursday 24th November we had a visit from Pedro, a Cuban salsa teacher. He did not speak any English so we had to communicate with him in Spanish. He gave everyone in KS2 a half hour salsa lesson which was great fun. Most children understood the numbers he used, forwards and backwards, left and right. He then came into each class and we were able to ask him all sorts of questions and Mrs. Wilkinson translated. Year 6 asked their questions in Spanish.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Dodgeball Tournament
Six, year 5 girls took part in a dodgeball tournament orgnised by Health for All. They all played brilliantly, had a fantastic team spirit and made Miss Spinks very proud.
Practise Makes Perfect!
In preparation for Christmas, the 2 Steel Pans groups are practising really hard and looking forward to showing off their talents.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
International Day
Wow, what an amazing morning! Lots of parents came along, brought food from their home countries to share and enjoyed a tour of the classrooms to see what the children have been learning.
Cross Country
Race Report - Wharfemeadows LSAA Cross Country - 15th October 2022
For our second race of the season at Middleton Park, 23 runners turned out to represent St. Peter’s on a gloriously sunny autumnal day. Rosie, Mr. Robertson’s dog provided lots of entertainment and support.
Under 9 Girls: For our girls team, 10 runners represented us. There was a lot of positivity on the start line and several children kept smiling even when the going got tough. Some girls ran in the boys’ race as they arrived a bit too late for the start of theirs. All positioned between 89-116
Under 9 boys: For this race there were 5 boys representing us in a fast paced heat. Everyone finished. Great perseverance was shown by everyone. All positioned between 60-177. Well done
Under 11 girls: Naomi and Lakeisha, with the Year 7 Liyana, flew the flag for us in this race. All runners finished in the top 50 with a top ten finish. Incredible.
Under 11 boys: We had 5 boys running in the final race, after cheering on all the other runners. All finished again, positioning between 50-157. Excellent.
Well done to the entire team for great strength of character, kindness and determination. The next race is on Saturday 19th November- we are not sure where yet.
Wow! What a great harvest display. Thank you so much to all our families for your generous contributions. All the food will be shared between our local food bank and the charity Caring for Life
School Councilors 2022/23
Congratulations to Sophia, Melody, Basilios, Goodluck, Shalom, Kavin, Naadirah and Kalib. You presented your manifesto to your peers and were voted in through a democratic process - well done!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Football Season is Underway
School Council Election Day
Today, children from each class in Key Stage Two, had the opportunity to vote for the boy and girl in their class who they would like to represent them on the School Council for the year ahead. We talked about the meaning of democracy. The results will be announced tomorrow.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Race Report - Middleton Park LSAA Cross Country
1st October 2022
For our first race of the season at Middleton Park over 30 children represented St. Peter’s. It was a great turn out from all age groups and we welcomed lots of first timers from Year 3. Although the clouds threatened, it kept fine and we even saw a rainbow
Under 9 Girls: For the first race, a record 9 girls represented us. Everyone did an amazing job, showing great determination, all finishing, keeping going even on the long final straight. All positioned between 75-130.
Under 9 boys: For this race there were 8 boys representing us in an awesome style. Everyone finished, with some amazing sprints on the final 200 metres. Great perseverance shown by everyone. All positioned between 52-156.
Under 11 girls: All the girls admitted it was a tough first race as they had not done the distance in a while - more training is needed for next time (running club meets on Thursday dinner time) With five girls representing us, there was a great team spirit and they were noticed by other schools for their kindness, fairness and positive attitude. All the girls finished in the top 110 and we had a couple in the top 70.
Under 11 boys: We had 9 boys running in the final race, with Mikias & Hyab running a distance up - showing great bravery. The girls also ran alongside the athletes to encourage them to keep going. It was hard but nobody gave up and we finished between 65-145.
Well done the entire team for great strength of character, kindness and determination. The next race is on Saturday 15th October in Otley.
Cafe Church
A family-friendly Church at St Peter's.
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Cannon Hall Farm
The fantastic Yorkshire Children's Charity invited our Year 1 & 2 children to spend a day at Cannon Hall Farm. We had a wonderful day, visiting the animals and exploring the farm and finally finishing the day with a disco!
Click on the image to see what we got up to:
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Golden Table
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to sit at the Golden Table this week - you have excellent manners and behaviour!
Free Cricket Sessions in LS9
Holiday Activities at Bridge Community Church
Go-kart winners
Every child who returned the parental questionnaire was entered into a draw to win a go-kart. These are our lucky winner. Have fun!
Always present and never late!
These children won an extra special cash prize to say well done for being in school EVERY day and ALWAYS being on time. BRILLIANT!
Leavers' Assembly 2022
What can we say!!! What a wonderful, hardworking, caring and kind set of young people. We will really miss you all. Click below to watch their fantastic Leaver's Assembly.
KS1 & EYFS Fun Day
Fun Day was back after missing it for a few years. We had an amazing day even though it was VERY, VERY, VERY HOT! The paddling pools were a very popular choice!
KS2 Summer Concert - Peter Pan
What an amazing performance and what talented children we have got! Brilliant acting and singing. Well done everyone! Click below to watch.
Last Minute Rehearsals
Steel-Pan Group 2 having a last-minute rehearsal before performing at the start of our annual summer production.
Parents' Group
Many of our Mums were having a celebration as they finished one of their last sessions today working with the Health For All team. They made traditional coffee served with homemade bread a snacks. We had a wonderful time.
Day out for Classes 2 & 3
Yorkshire Children's Charity arranged a fabulous day out for Classes 2 & 3 at Allerton Park near Knaresborough. The children played lots of games, explored the estate and had an amazing day! Thank you to the amazing Yorkshire Children's Charity.
Thank you!
We have been overwhelmed by your amazing support and generosity in fundraising for Mrs Edser. We have raised over £,2000 which is absolutely amazing. THANK YOU! Nursery had a brilliant Teddy Bear's Picnic, we had a non-uniform day and the staff went on a special fundraising walk. Your lovely comments and cards will all be passed on to Mrs Edser and her family.
Thank you again!
Nursery Open day
Lots of new families joined us for our Nursery Open day last week. The children got to meet the staff and explore the Nursery, preparing them for their start in September.
Kitchen Jobs in Leeds Schools
The Catering Agency, who supply school dinners, have job opportunities in schools across Leeds - for more information and to apply click on the link below:
Sporting Fun!
Years One to Six enjoyed trying out some different sports last week. They all enjoyed the challenge of giving something new a go.
Year 1 – Basketball
Year 2 – Ultimate Frisbee
Year 3 – Archery
Year 4 – Archery
Year 5 – Archery
Year 6 - Fencing
Netball Superstars
The school netball team represented St Peter's brilliantly in the Leeds final. They played amazingly, showed fantastic sporting behaviour and achieved bronze medals. We are very proud of their super performance and attitude. Well done!
Allerton Park
Classes 2 and 3 were really lucky to be invited by the Yorkshire Children's Charity to a day out at Allerton Park. They all enjoyed lots of fun and games and even managed to run up the steep hill made famous by the nursery rhyme, 'The Grand Old Duke of York'! They were then treated to a brilliant picnic lunch!
Jubilee Celebrations at Bridge Community Church
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
On Friday 27th May we celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We all came to school in red, white and blue clothes and made crowns to wear for our special jubilee party in the afternoon. At lunch time we had a 'picnic' lunch with some delicious cake! We had a parade around the playground then played lots of fun games. We enjoyed had a little party tea with lots of cakes that we had brought into school. It was lots of fun!
Tag Rugby Tournament
Dodgeball Tournament
Six children from class 4 recently took part in a Dodgeball tournament in Middleton, organised by ACE clubs. Overall, there were 12 schools taking part in the tournament. St Peter's played amazingly well, winning 10 out of 11 games. They won the whole tournament and returned to school with a Trophy. Well done to all.
Netball Success
The St Peter's netball team recently represented the school at a league tournament in Garforth. They played amazingly well and won both matches; winning 11-3 in the first game and 14-5 in the second. All the players showed excellent team spirit and we are very proud of you. Next stop - the final on Monday 13th June!
SATs Breakfast Club
In preparation for their SATs, the Year 6 children have their own Breakfast Club. They are served hot sandwiches, cereal, yogurt, toast and juice and enjoy the chance to relax with their friends at the start of the day.
School Council - Saving Energy
Our school council have been briefed about the soaring costs of energy bills. As such, they have decided to produce a catchy design and slogan, which will be displayed around school, to remind all children and adults that lights should be turned off when an area is empty.
Gardening Club
Class 3 have been attending a gardening after school club. Here they are watering and weeding the raised beds. They have grown leeks, garlic and strawberries so far! They have also had lots of fun.
Quick Cricket - Children v Staff!
As part of the St Peter's Lent appeal to raise money for our chosen charities, many pupils in year 6 took part in a cricket match against some of our staff. The rain did not dampen our spirits and a game of great hilarity and some skill took place in the hall. A great time was had by all and the children were victorious; winning by just one run! Good sporting behaviour was also shown with handshakes after the game. Well done to everybody who took part - we raised over £100 for charity!
Lent Stalls - Key Stage 1
This week, the children in Classes 1 and 2 set up their stalls to raise money for our Lent charities, They had some brilliant ideas and are enjoying lots of customers!
Lent Stalls - Classes 3 & 4
This week it was the turn of children in years' 3 and 4 to hold fundraising stalls for Lent. They organised lots of lovely games and stalls to raise money for charities. The sun was shining and everyone was having lots of fun.
Lent Stalls - Classes 5 & 6
As part of our Lent fundraising children organise and run stalls. This week year 5 and 6 put on lots of treats for everyone. There were raffles, guess how many sweets in the jar, guess the name of the teddy, goalie challenges, skipping challenges and lots of buns and biscuits.
Pancake Races
Classes 3 and 4 had a fantastic time at Leeds Minster when they took part in the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake races.
Rotary Recital Winners
This years Rotary Recital finalists were all of a very high standard and our panel of judges had a very tough time picking the Key Stage Winners! In the end Aisha Benjamin in Class 6 and Yosef Tadesse in Reception were declared the overall Winners for their key stage - what an amazing achievement!
Rotary Poetry Recital
Congratulations to all our Finalists who performed their poems beautifully in front of a panel of judges. The finalists were:
Reception: Yosef & Zema
Class1: Gabriella & Natania
Class 2: Abigail D & Michiyas
Class 3: Olivia & Hyabel
Class 4: Sosna & Misael
Class 5: Aaliyah & Dana
Class 6: Naomi & Aisha
Christmas Breakfast
Breakfast Club had lots of Christmassy treats for their breakfast this morning - snowman pancakes and fruit kebabs, as well as hot chocolate with squirty cream - an excellent start to the last day of term!
Christmas Angels
This year we had the theme of angels for our Christmas decorations and cards. Here are some lovely examples from around the school.
Christmas Dinner
After singing to the Lunchtime Staff, the children thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas dinner - they were all delighted that we didn't have sprouts!
Cross Country Race Report - Leeds Grammar school
written by Holy, Lakeisha & Sam
11th December 2021
Once again for our fourth race, some families went on the bus all the way to Leeds grammar school. There was a strong year 5 bus squad! It was very cold and for the first time it rained. We kept our coats on until the very last minute. This week’s course had some uphills [including a section in the woods for the older children] but there was a huge downhill at the end so we could sprint if we had anything left in the tank. There were 27 athletes running for St . Peter’s-11 boys and 16 girls and all were in a strong positive mood.
Under 9 Girls: 7 girls represented us in this race and were in an excellent, amazing mood. We welcomed two first timers, Soliana Tesfaldet & Sosna Teklit. There was a great inspirational atmosphere and everyone encouraged each other. All of the athletes finished the race . Wooo!
Under 9 boys: There were 9 boys (champions) running for the St. Peters squad. 4 of these champions got a top 55 finish. Everyone showed determination and a positive attitude. There were many people supporting these champions making them feel famous.
Under 11 girls: For the under 11 girls, it was another strong turn out with 9 runners, 2 from year 6 and 7 from year 5. Once again we saw Ellta running in the high school race, this gave us lots of inspiration. It was great to welcome two more first timers- Cena Dasta and Sophia Fisseha – they fitted in well. Everyone finished tired as ever, with 3 excellent top 45 runners. It was great fun and we played a new hand rhyme while we were waiting to start.
Under 11 boys: Raheem and Sam joined us in this race. They had to wait the longest but they cheered everyone on showing a great attitude. This time they knew they could do it and were capable, so they ran with focus and determination.
Well done champions and athletes, once again you did awesome. HOORAYYYY!!!! By Holy, Lakeisha and Sam. Well done!!!!!!!!
Wharfemeadows Cross Country - Race Report
20th November 2021
Our third race was all the way out In Otley. 7 children and 3 mums travelled on the bus together to get there. The weather was dry and not too cold. An amazing 23 runners represented St .Peter’s.
Under 9 Girls: For the first race, 5 girls represented us - three from year 3 and two from year 4. We welcomed two first timers, Hermela Kesete and Maya Spinks. The girls did an amazing job as a team, encouraging each other and showing great determination. All positioned between 78-89.
Under 9 boys: For this race there were 11 boys representing us in an awesome style. Everyone finished and two of our runners got top 30 positions. Separa, who missed the girls race, ran in the boys one instead with a lot of confidence, putting in an excellent performance for us.
Under 11 girls: Before the under 11 girls race we saw Ellta running in the high school races and she got a good place. This was a good inspiration for us. For this race there were 7 runners, 3 from year 5 and 4 from year 6. We welcomed Yosan for the first time and Betiel and Sosna came to cheer us on. This was an outstanding day for us, Naomi for example, on Friday she had a stitch but on Saturday she got back up on her running horse- awesome hooray!
Under 11 boys: Finally the under 11 boys were racing, our only representative was Raheem Abdelrahim. He made it 3 out of 3; after coming to running club on Thursday, racing on Friday at Roundhay School and Otley on Saturday! He showed determination and perseverance, finishing all 3 races.
After the amazing race, some of us went to the park meeting Arthur (Mrs Wilkinson’s son). Kindly, Holy’s mum bought some of us amazing oreo and twix brownies at an Otley cafe. Yum yum!
NE Leeds Cross Country - 19th November 2021
For our first appearance at the NE Leeds qualifiers we took a team of 7 Year 4 runners and 8 Year 5 Athletes. The children would be running with all the other schools from this area of Leeds, for the same distances as the Saturday cross country league, with an opportunity to qualify for the Leeds cross country qualifiers.
Year 4 Girls: Muna and Anya were the first to go and both put in excellent performances, keeping a steady pace and keeping going right until the end. They had a hare to follow but the biggest challenge was not going off too quickly, too early. They both paced themselves very well and finished in the top 60.
Year 4 boys: Next up was the Year 4 boys, all of whom had some experience of previous cross country runs. They all made a good start, keeping with the pack and not going off too fast. Two of our runners finished in the top 30, despite some shoe malfunctions and the whole team finished in the top 80- well done boys.
Year 5 Girls: For our girls a regular team of runners is emerging. Nerves and excitement were high as they had to complete two laps of the course. As always levels of team support and encouragement were outstanding. Two of our runners struggled with stiches and were unable to finish. The rest of the team kept going and managed a top 5 finish as well as a top 50 one, well done Year 5 girls.
Year 5 Boys: This team was made up of experienced and first-time runners, so the fact that all of the boys finished was a credit to their determination and prior efforts in running club. We could see that on the second lap they were all hurting and team support again came in to lift their spirits and strengthen their resolve. All boys finished in the top 75.
Mrs Hick and Mrs Wilkinson felt enormously proud of the team spirit shown and the determination needed. It is inspiring. Well done St. Peter’s!
School Council Elections 2021-22
On Thursday 11th November, children from classes 3,4,5 and 6 each came to the school hall, which we had turned into a polling station. Once there, they were given the opportunity to vote for a girl and boy from their class, who they believed would best represent them on this year's school council. The votes for each class will be counted by Miss Comrie (in 'top secret') and the results will be announced in this Friday's whole school assembly, by Mrs Holliday. Each of the eight winners will receive a special School Council badge and will then join Mr. Robertson and Mrs Readman for weekly School Council meetings. By giving the children a voice, they can make a difference for others. We value the importance of democracy at St. Peter's.
Cross Country
Race Report - Cardinal Heenan 16th October 2021
Another impressive turn out for our second race of the season with 26 runners representing St.Peter’s at Cardinal Heenan. The weather was kind but the course was tough, after a brief downhill at the start, it was uphill all the way right to the very end. All of our runners finished, which was an inspiring achievement for everyone who got to see it. We were able to debut our new flag - which is enormous and awesome, as well as our very professional looking running vests - St.Peter’s has arrived.
Under 9 Girls: The under 9 girls got us off to a promising start with first-timer Efrata Abera looking like she does this all the time. All the girls were determined and never gave in up the long hill. They were well supported by their team mates and were glad to finish.
Under 9 boys: Next up were the under 9 boys with our biggest representation of 10 runners. Again the more experienced runners led the way and showed the first-timers the ropes. All finished - an inspiring achievement.
Under 11 Girls: The under 11 girls really hit their stride in this race. As always they won the prize for the most cheerful team at the starting line. Liyana led the way with a new found confidence and focus. Lakeisha had a strong finish, overtaking several runners on the brutal hill. Naomi was not far behind, massively improving on her first race position. Great determined performances from Betiel, Dana and Holy which meant all the team finished - well done girls.
Under 11 Boys: This time Sam George was not running solo - joined by Efron, Camron, Habron and Samuel Achew. There was a great team spirit as they waited the longest to run but cheered on all their fellow St.Peter’s runners. As the photos capture there were plenty of duals on the final hill and all the boys dug in. Sam George showed a real growth in confidence and poise with a strong finish. Well done boys.
Thank you very much to all the parents who attended, I am sure they were inspired by the determination their children demonstrated. Also a huge thanks to Mrs Hick for her second race and Mr. Robertson on his debut. Roll on Otley - Saturday 20th November!
International Week - Drumming Workshop
All the children in school started International Week with an African drumming workshop. The children played djembe drum rhythms and some call and response games. It was fantastic fun!
Important Information for Parents about 'Squid Game' - Please click on the image below.
Harvest Festival 2021
Our wonderful Harvest Festival had to be filmed again this year. We hope you enjoy it! Thank you to everyone who has sent in donations of food. You are AMAZING!
Cross Country
Race Report
Middleton Park 25th September 2021
For our first race of the season we had an amazing turn out with 26 runners representing St.Peter’s at Middleton Park. There were well over 600 runners from schools across Leeds.
Under 9 Girls - The first race to kick off the season, with 5 runners representing St Peters - Shalom Berakate (in bright pink), Hiyabel Mire, Separa Yohannes, Muna Aibu and Pearl Mfobin. They all made a great start, not going off too fast and saving something for the end - all coming in the top 70! Well done girls. A special mention goes to Pearl Mfobin who did a lap with her Dad after we missed her at the start - great effort Pearl!
Under 9 boys - Next up was the under 9 boys with 11 runners representing St Peter’s. The older boys led the way with a top twenty finish from Lucas and both Tomas and Horeb came within the top ninety. The Year 3 boys weren’t far behind and seemed to double their speed when the St Peter’s team cheered them on. Well done boys.
Under 11 Girls - Again another strong turn out with 10 girls representing our school in this race, which involved two laps of a challenging course. Their start was delayed by ten minutes and the children happily sang songs in Spanish while they waited. Great performances from all our runners with two of them finishing in the top 55 and all showing great determination and perseverance to keep going.
Under 11 Boys - A special mention goes to Sam George who was are only representative in the under 11 boys. He was awesome and never gave up - you did St Peter’s proud Sam.
A special mention to all the team who supported their fellow runners and showed a great attitude at all times. Also to Mrs Hick for her awesome driving and position recording. A great start to the league and really inspiring to see such high levels of determination as well as fun.
Golden Tables
Congratulations to this week's winners - you have excellent behaviour and lovely manners.
Governor Away Day
After having to miss the annual 'away day' for Governors last year due to Covid, we were able to meet at last in person! The away day was very informative and the School Development Plan from last year was reviewed and the new SDP was introduced. Governors organised how they would like to monitor progress through the new SDP and arranged a variety of activities.
Transition Meetings
Our Transition Meetings were really well attended this year. The parents were given lots of useful information about what their child can expect in their new class and how they can help them at home.
Golden Table
Each week, 2 children from each class are chosen to have their lunch on the Golden Table. They are chosen for their sensible behaviour and excellent manners - Congratulations!
KS1 Sports Day
After a very soggy day on Monday, KS1 finally got to enjoy their sports day in the lovely sunshine. They had lots of fun doing lots of activities and showed off their brilliant skills. Well done everyone!
Early Years Sports Day
The children in Nursery and Reception had a great time! They were very fast and did some super listening too!
Key Stage 2 Sports Day
All the children in Key State Two had a great time at their annual sports day. The children showed great competitiveness, excellent sportsmanship and great spirit. Most importantly, all children had a tremendous time.
A Very Kind Donation
Our new Rainbow Classroom is almost finished and our lovely friends from the Rotary Club of Headingley very kindly donated £2,000 to help us buy lots of resources for the children - thank you so much.
Letter from Governors
Click below for important information to help you keep your child safe online
Following a remote Inspection by Ofsted, please read the letter/report below
Important Letter - Please see Tigrinya translation below
Christmas Worship
On Wednesday morning, Key Stage Two took part in a special Christmas Worship, which was led by Canon Sam and Reverend Judith. We revised the story and meaning of Christmas and discussed the significance of each of the advent candles. To finish, classes competed against each other in a Christmas quiz. Class Four were the worthy winners. It was lovely to see our friends from Leeds Minster.
Christmas lunch
We had a delicious Christmas lunch today! We all had crackers too. It was really good and we all said 'thank you' to the dinner staff for all their hard work this year.
Santa's Farm
This week we had a brilliant visit from Santa’s Farm. He brought lots of his animals. Each class took a turn to visit and stroke the animals and feed them. There are lots of pictures on each classes page to look at
Christmas at St Peter's
The children have been very creative this Christmas, look at the wonderful decorations.
Radio Leeds
It's Christmas!
El-Rae, Chloe and Ellta did a fabulous job decorating the Christmas Tree today - excellent work!
Letter for all Parents following Class Closure - 26th November
International Week
The children all looked fabulous when they dressed up for International Week. On each class page is a video of the children showing you what they have learnt about the country they studied.
Harvest Assembly
Please enjoy the lovely assembly performed by Class 3 and below are the links to the harvest songs.
Thank you to all our wonderful families for their amazing donations of food for Harvest. This picture shows a small part of what you sent to school and we will make sure it is sent to help those most in need.
Please read the Newsletter below for important guidance about how to keep you child safe online.
A Message from the Headteacher for Key Workers who have arranged for their child to come to school
Good morning,,
As far as I am aware we will be open this week and next week but that could well change depending on how serious the spread of the virus is.
The government are urging us only to take children if there is an urgent need and have stated “You should only send your child if you have to and if your work is critical to our COVID 19 response”
Despite the measures we are putting in place, school is nowhere near as safe for your children as home. We cannot guarantee that children carrying the virus without showing symptoms will not spread this to others and pupils may ultimately bring this home with them.
Many staff are now unable to come into school so only send your child if it is absolutely essential and only for the shortest time you can.
Thanks for your support during these difficult times.
Kind regards
Liz Holliday
Morning Exercise
KS2 have started doing 15 minutes of morning exercise on a Thursday and Friday. It's a great way to do some exercise, whilst getting the children focused and ready for the school day. The teachers play music and join in too - it is so much fun!
Pancake Races
The children from Classes 3 and 4 had a fabulous afternoon at Leeds Minster taking part in the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day Races.
Half Term Attendance Winners
Each half term, the children who have come to school every day and have never been late are put in a draw to win a prize. Congratulations to Mya, Jesse, Questa, Dagmawi, Penuel, Nathan & Tenbite.
Rotary Recital Winners
Our judges were super impressed with Aarav and Rhianne, they performed their poems brilliantly - congratulations!
Rotary Recital Finalists
Our annual Rotary Poetry Recital was another huge success this year. Congratulations to all the finalists who worked so hard and learnt their poems off by heart - Sharon, Aarav, Tedros, Olivia, Ike, Britney, Rhianne, Abigail, Elnathan, Joseph, Clara, Shalom, Anna and Melody.
Outstanding Effort
In each class, all the children performed their poem to their class mates, all the runners up received a certificate for outstanding effort. Well done to Naomy, Tinsae, Nathan, Destiny, Mercy, Naomi, Rynad, Lily, Basilios, Chideraa, Fyeri, Grace, Michiyas & Joseph.
NSPCC Visit School